Anchored... In Freedom

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Barb Swanson


When I was seven years old, I gave my heart to the Lord during Vacation Bible School at our church. An elderly lady shared about African missionaries who gave their whole lives to God and how they lived in mud huts. I remember the Holy Spirit drawing me to Himself so strongly. I responded by raising my hand and praying with the lady. I asked Jesus into my heart and I told Him I would even go to Africa. I made Him my Savior and the Lord of my life that day.

When my mom picked up my two older brothers and me, she asked me how VBS was. I told her the great news that I had gotten saved and within seconds my brothers said, "Yeah she got saved again," and laughed. It made me so mad. I vowed that that was that last time I would ever get saved. I was done with the getting saved. And it stuck.

“If the son sets you free then you are free indeed.”— John 8:36 NIV

Through the years, I’ve had other opportunities to claim my freedom. I was diagnosed with MS when I was a young mother. As I walked through this season of my life, God gave me this simple phrase to say every time I felt symptoms flare up: “I walk in divine health.” It’s been more than 25 years since that horrible diagnosis, and today I live in freedom as a healthy and whole person.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” — Galatians 5:1 NIV

I believe God wants us to be free in every area of our lives. Sometimes when we've forgiven someone who's hurt us, we can still experience guilty feelings, as if we haven’t really forgiven them. That’s the time to remind ourselves that we have made the decision to forgive and it’s over, and we are standing in freedom, not feelings.

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” — John 8:32 NIV

When you “know the truth” and believe it above all other thoughts, it will set you free because you’ve decided to get in agreement with God’s Word and receive your freedom.

“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free. ” — Romans 8:1-2 NIV

You can say with full assurance that you are saved, healed, forgiven, and whole, because Christ bought your freedom on the cross.


Today if (when) you start to think negatively about a person or situation, fight for your freedom by speaking out loud to yourself. Say, “I give this matter over to you God. I am free and there is no condemnation, because Jesus paid for my freedom." Continue to declare your freedom until you are a believer that it is yours to enjoy today.

Barb Swanson

Women's Ministry Director

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Barb Swanson

Directora de Mujeres