Make Room for God’s Opinion of You

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Cameron Haubrick

Everywhere I look I see people, ideals, things, and characteristics that people tell me I should be like. Music tells me how I should feel, movies show me how I should act, and in this world of constant criticism, I often find that my opinion of myself is ever changing. It often depends on the people I saw that day and what they thought of me. Sometimes it is dependent on the videos I watched that day on social media of everyone else accomplishing things. It might be dependent on how my wife treated me or even how my dog acted around me! Have you ever been there? It’s in times like these where, if I’m wise, I will take the time to remind myself of what God’s opinion is of me.

Today’s Scripture

"For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb.  I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well." - Psalm 139:13-14 (NASB)

Right Now Media

Here are two videos that do a great job of describing what I am trying to say here:

Who Am I? by Paul Tripp and I am Made New

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Tip from Cameron

The world’s opinions of people, things, and of you, are too wavering and inconsistent to base your self-image on. Even those closest to you, on a bad day, can make you feel unwanted or unworthy. You must base your opinion of yourself on a foundation that is sturdy and unchanging. God’s opinions of you have never changed and they never will. He knows exactly how He feels about you because He created you, which He would not have done if He didn’t think you were worth creating.

Study Suggestions

Anytime you feel down on yourself, do a google search of who God says you are. You will find tons and tons of scriptures that will tell you how God feels about you. If you want to make sure you don’t forget these things, write them down or print them out and put them somewhere you will see them every morning.

Cameron Haubrick

Associate Campus Pastor

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Cameron Haubrick
