
Why We Give

We Are a church of contributors, not consumers.

Give Online

Text To Give

Text any amount to 84321

followed by one of the following keywords

OKC for the Oklahoma City Campus

EDMOND for the Edmond Campus

IGL for the Iglesia Campus

ONLINE for the Church Online Community

Heart For The House

Text any amount to 84321

followed by one of the following keywords

OKCHEART for the Oklahoma City Campus

EDMONDHEART for the Edmond Campus

IGLHEART for the Iglesia Campus

Text Now

It's What We Do

Radical Generosity

Giving FAQs

Why Should I Give Online?

Whether you'd like to give a single gift, schedule ongoing donations, or view your giving history, you can do it all online - it's quick, easy, and secure. Use your debit or credit card, whichever is most convenient.

Can I schedule recurring donations?

Yes, you can specify whether you want your contribution made one time, weekly, every other week, twice monthly, or monthly. You can set up as many schedules as you would like, so it is possible to give a monthly gift as well as a weekly one.

Will I still receive a contribution statement?

Yes, we will mail your year-end giving statement directly to your home address if you have given over $250 during the year.

Can I adjust the date or amount?

You can edit or delete a scheduled contribution at anytime, including the credit card, date, frequency, and amount.

Is online giving secure?

We've taken steps to ensure that the giving process is safe and secure from beginning to end. All of your giving data is secured by SSL encryption. SSL is an acronym for "Secure Socket Layer," a security protocol that provides communications privacy over the Internet.