Exciting Changes!

August 22, 2017

Dear Parents,

I wanted to take the time to tell you about a big change coming up next month. For the last two years, we’ve been praying, planning, and dialoguing about Sundays. We’ve been talking about how the majority of our Church is here on Sundays. Most people visit Churches on Sundays, and many students who are involved in extracurricular activities during the week, can only be here on Sundays.

At the same time, our Tribes (grade-based small groups) on Wednesdays have been growing and going deeper in community and discipleship. This is due to the incredible investment of so many volunteers committed to shepherding your students! Students want to be in this environment more than once a month.

With that in mind, we’ll be trying something new starting September 10. Our main VSM Experiences, including worship, will be Sundays at 9am & 11am (instead of Wednesday night).  Wednesdays will be better than ever, and will now be Tribes centered! The major practical change will be that your students will go to VSM at the outset of the Sunday Experience, instead of exiting the Main Auditorium after worship.

We are so excited about switching to a model that serves more families at Victory and equips more students to continually take one step closer to Christ! With this new harvest of students, we need more people than ever to step up and invest in the next generation. Would you take a moment right now to pray and see if that’s something you’re supposed to be a part of? If so, email me at Thanks for taking the time to read; it’s such an honor to serve so many incredible families at Victory.

Oklahoma City