Let God Help You

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Cameron Haubrick


Before a recent Worship Experience, a student came up to me and told me she needed some advice. “Cameron, I haven’t had a full night of sleep in weeks. And most nights I am even lucky to get a couple hours of sleep, if any.” I asked her what she believed was keeping her tossing and turning. She then began to give a long list of things that would keep her mind awake at night. The list is one that I am sure you have heard from any teenage girl when they talk about their lives. Drama, boys, gossip, fear of what she said and what he said; all of these mental battles that would occur in her mind as soon as her head hit the pillow--as if gravity suddenly allowed her thoughts to flow up into her brain as she laid down. The advice I gave her was not anything profound; it wasn’t even filled with fifteen scriptures. I simply asked her, “Well, have you tried asking God to help you sleep good before you lay down to sleep?” The thought was almost astounding to her. Could it really be that easy? The next morning I woke up to a text from her that said, “I slept like a baby. First night I have slept wonderfully. I have never slept so good.”

I believe that one of Satan’s greatest tactics for keeping Christians bogged down is by overcomplicating our relationship with God. Satan doesn’t want us to believe that we can simply ask God to help us--especially on a detail as small as a good night’s rest. “Surely such a big God has better things to worry about, especially after the sins I committed this week.” NO!! We were never meant to fight the battle of life on our own. Instead, we were meant to depend on our Father in heaven who has already won the victory over anything and everything that would ever try to defeat us in this life. So don’t be afraid to ask Him for the strength to finish this fast. Don’t be afraid to ask for a deeper hunger and love for Him. The only reason you might ever be afraid to ask God to fight a battle for you, is that He might actually do it!


“‘You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem.’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out to face them, for the Lord is with you.” — 2 Chronicles 20:17
“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?” — Romans 8:31



My Salvation, my anchor.  It holds me in place knowing that I am in relationship with You.  I am one with You, Lord.  I’m grateful that I don’t have to perform or strive for Your acceptance, but I am Yours, made in Your image and likeness.  Thank you that you like me and love me.  ☺

I am comforted that You are with me; You never leave me.  Help me today to be the leader I need to be in my workplace and home; to be the spouse I need to be, helping meet my spouse’s needs.  Help me to be the parent I need to be for my children today.  Help me to be the friend that encourages and supports… whatever You need me to be today, I am Yours -- I am Your servant.

I love You, Jesus.  In Your name I pray…Amen.

Cameron Haubrick

Associate Campus Pastor

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Cameron Haubrick
