Let Me Bless You

written by
escrito por

Hillary Walsh


“Let Me bless you,” God asks us earnestly. His very nature and desire is for us to live a life set apart, holy and sanctified, but more importantly, that we live with every blessing He originally intended for us to have. While examining our lives we may think, “Who are we to ask God to bless us?” We look at the Father through our shortcomings and faults, and feel unworthy of receiving salvation, let alone blessings. God desires for us to see Him in a new light, but also to see ourselves in a new way, in His very image.

God is our Heavenly Father, a Father who loves to lavish His children with gifts. There is no limit to God’s goodness, but He wants us to ask. Matthew 7 talks about how we are to not only ask God for things, but as a child of God, we are given the right to do so. Your Father, who is in heaven, will give good things to those who ask Him! We often do not have because we do not ask. May you look in the mirror and see yourself as being made in His image, deeply loved, and overwhelmingly accepted. As you pursue God, may you seek after all that He has for you -- His plans and His provisions!  


“How much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” — Matthew 7:11
“You do not have because you do not ask God.” — James 4:2


Holy are You Lord...Holy is Your Name.  Father, today is a great day!  It is the day You have made. I just want to tell You, I love YOU!  You are so faithful, so loving, so true in all You do.

I pray for our kids and youth of today.  Let no weapon formed against them prosper.  Help them to make right choices, have relationships that cause them to be successful, and be their peace in moments of anxiety and strength where they feel weak.  

To You be all glory and honor.  In Jesus’ Name…Amen.

Hillary Walsh

Assistant Director of Victory School of Leadership

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Hillary Walsh

Directora Asociada de VSL